Intelligent Systems

Neural Head Avatars from Monocular RGB Videos


Conference Paper


We present Neural Head Avatars, a novel neural representation that explicitly models the surface geometry and appearance of an animatable human avatar that can be used for teleconferencing in AR/VR or other applications in the movie or games industry that rely on a digital human. Our representation can be learned from a monocular RGB portrait video that features a range of different expressions and views. Specifically, we propose a hybrid representation consisting of a morphable model for the coarse shape and expressions of the face, and two feed-forward networks, predicting vertex offsets of the underlying mesh as well as a view- and expression-dependent texture. We demonstrate that this representation is able to accurately extrapolate to unseen poses and view points, and generates natural expressions while providing sharp texture details. Compared to previous works on head avatars, our method provides a disentangled shape and appearance model of the complete human head (including hair) that is compatible with the standard graphics pipeline. Moreover, it quantitatively and qualitatively outperforms current state of the art in terms of reconstruction quality and novel-view synthesis.

Author(s): Philip-William Grassal and Malte Prinzler and Titus Leistner and Carsten Rother and Matthias Nießner and Justus Thies
Book Title: IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Year: 2022

Department(s): Neural Capture and Synthesis
Bibtex Type: Conference Paper (inproceedings)
Paper Type: Conference

Event Name: CVPR 2022
Event Place: New Orleans, Louisiana

Digital: True
State: Published

Links: Code


  title = {Neural Head Avatars from Monocular RGB Videos},
  author = {Grassal, Philip-William and Prinzler, Malte and Leistner, Titus and Rother, Carsten and Nießner, Matthias and Thies, Justus},
  booktitle = {IEEE/CVF Conf.~on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) },
  year = {2022},
  doi = {},
  url = {}